Ivor Catt,
121 Westfields,
Albans AL3 4JR
(0)1727 864257
September 2010
Simon Tse
Chief Executive
SA6 7JL.
Dear Mr. Tse,
reporting to the DVLA by Hertfordshire
Action on Disability
I welcome your new appointment. I hope
you will resolve the problem below without recourse to legal action. I would be
very happy to talk with you about the problem.
It is urgent for me to be given a
Provisional Driving Licence.
It is most convenient to read this
letter on the www at http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/xx.htm
to ease access to the hyperlinks.
Unless Annabelle Waterfield,
Head of HAD, shows ( see 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 and 7 ) how the test report
sent to the DVLA ( 6 and 7 ) can be reconciled with
the actual test results ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 ) (which the DVLA did not
receive), you should no longer use HAD. I look forward to hearing from you as
to whether you will continue to use HAD.
I asked Annabelle Waterfield
to look into the contradiction between their test results, which I only
recently got hold of, and the totally opposite test report which HAD sent to
the DVLA. This false report convinced your Dr. Hanley that I was a raving
maniac who should not be allowed on the road with a provisional driving licence
or even to have driving lessons. The report also misled my G.P. Dr. Ferguson.
Your Dr. Hanley took his comments on it to be his own opinion, which they were
not. Dr. Ferguson merely commented on the false report.
I asked Annabelle Waterfield
either to show how the test results could be reconciled with the resulting
report to the DVLA, or to send an amended report to the DVLA. She did not
reply, but paid her lawyers to try to intimidate me 1
, 2 , 3, in a gross misuse of
charitable funds.
Yours sincerely,
Ivor Catt
August 2010
Michael Bottomley,
Ewart Price Solicitors
(for HAD),
Your ref.
Dear Mr. Bottomley,
Thank you for
your letter dated 16 August 2010.
Before taking
legal advice, your client should have responded to my assertion on 3 August
that "the final report of the assessment" totally contradicted
"my scores in the medical test in the office (Cognitive Testing
Marking Sheet)". I wrote; "The effect of this total contradiction has
been very damaging. Please look into it." She should have had this done,
and the conclusions reported to me.
Your client
should show how the two can be reconciled now, before coming to court. As you
know, the court does not look kindly on ambush.
My analysis of the situation is at http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x.htm
Yours sincerely,
(Ivor Catt)
Cc Margaret Peecock
and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Cc Dr. James Ferguson,
Midway Surgery,
93 Watford Rd.,
St. Albans AL2 3JX
Cc Mr. Livingstone,
Watford General Hospital,
Vicarage Road,
WD18 0HB
Cc Dr. J G G
Hanley, Medical Adviser,
Drivers Medical Group,
DVLA, Swansea SA99 1TU
Your Ref.
Cc Annabelle Waterfield, Hertfordshire
Action on Disability,
The Woodside Centre, The
Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 4DD.