Dear Hannah,

I expected to get no reply from you. I instinctively feel that nobody in the Media at any level will touch the alleged problem of the impossibility of further scientific advance. The loyalty of everyone in the media is to the defunct mainstream science. That means the crisis will get deeper and deeper.

Ivor Catt    12 November 2014


From: Ivor Catt

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 7:05 PM


Subject: Fw: peer review etc.


Third copy.


From: Ivor Catt

Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:11 AM


Subject: Fw: peer review etc.


Second copy.


From: Ivor Catt

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:46 AM



Subject: peer review etc.


Dear Hannah Devlin,


I spoke to you just now – Tuesday 15 July 10.30am.


I have worked in this subject area for more than thirty years, and find it fascinating. My prediction is that no journalist of any colour will touch it, but still I have approached you because of your article on p8, The Times, 3 July 2014; “Science Journal says sorry for stem-cell errors.”


The idea is that today’s professional science cannot allow paradigm shift ( ) over something like phlogiston, caloric or electricity.


During the time of the first two shifts, 1825, science was more the amateur province of wealthy businessmen, but still the shifts took more than 25 years. 200 years later, even the possibility of paradigm shift with electricity cannot be considered, or even the suggestion understood. . Paradigm shift does too much short and medium term damage to an entrenched professional. (In the less extreme cases of AIDS or Climate Change, if HIV does not cause AIDS, thousands of jobs will be lost.)


My idea is that you study my material briefly, enough to write a brief “floater” article and see what the response is.


There is a precedent for this. Neville Hodgkinson, who has stayed in my home, , was medical correspondent for The Sunday Times. He published conventional articles on AIDS, but then came across what are now called “AIDS Deniers” . He broached the matter with the Editor, Andrew Neil, and they ran a trial article. The response of the Science Establishment was extreme. The then Editor of “Nature” told everyone to stop buying “The Sunday Times”. Andrew Neil dug his heels in, and published numerous Hodgkinson articles for perhaps ten years. Andrew Neil says their publication is one of his two greatest achievements as Editor.  The Sunday Times was the only media outlet in the world for “AIDS Deniers”.


It is interesting that “The Sunday Times” has now returned to the “Establishment” fold, and now publishes on AIDS as though Hodgkinson and his articles did not exist. The dissident view has been erased from the record. When I ask Sunday Times journalists why, they do not reply. Recently the new Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, told me that it was right that the leading AIDS dissident, Peter Duesberg, , should be suppressed “or hundreds of thousands would die”.


Turning to my case. No relevant professor or journalist will give any written comment on published experimental results which point to problems in classical electromagnetism. No relevant professor or journalist will give any written comment on “The Catt Question”, an elementary question about the details of classical electromagnetic theory. . All you have to do is find one or more accredited experts, and ask them for written comment on one of these things. ,



Ivor Catt


St. Albans AL3 4JR

01727 864257


Some of my credentials.

20pp peer reviewed article.