
Dear Mr. Catt,

Thanks for getting in touch regarding your stent. You are right in saying that the product license talks about replacing the stents every 8 weeks [ fully covered wallflex stent ]. In reality, doctors (including Dr. Leahy and myself) have replaced stents after a longer period of time than this without any problems of the stent becoming embedded.

We clearly want to avoid you having the same problem you had with your previous stent that became embedded and needed numerous attempts at removal before it actually came out, but on the other hand, want to avoid you having unnecessary endoscopy procedures. You are obviously aware that the current stent is not the same type of stent that became embedded previously. Whilst we want to make sure we get it right, you are probably aware that we don’t have an enormous number of patients with the same problem you have had and whilst we are very experienced at actually placing the stents, the timing of the changes in your situation is something that we are still getting a feel for.

I think we should certainly change it before you go away on the 29th May [actually 22nd May] and I will arrange this. Assuming this works, and the stent comes out fairly easily, then a sensible compromise would be to change it every 3 months, which is slightly less frequently than the company suggest, but more frequently that the 4 months we had initially discussed.

I hope this makes sense. I try and get you in for the procedure n the next week or two.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Mark Fullard,

Consultant Gastroenterologist

In Croatian;

Poštovani g. Catt ,
Hvala za dobivanje u kontaktu u vezi s vašim stenta . Vi ste u pravu kad kaže da je licenca proizvoda govori o zamjeni stentova svakih 8 tjedana [ potpunosti pokrivena wallflex stent ] . U stvarnosti , liječnici ( uključujući dr. Leahy i mene ) su zamijenjeni stentova, nakon dužeg vremenskog razdoblja nego to bez ikakvih problema stent postaje ugrađen .
Mi očito žele izbjeći imate isti problem koji ste imali s prethodnim stenta koji je postao ugrađen i potrebna brojne pokušaje uklanjanja prije nego što je zapravo izašao, ali s druge strane , žele izbjeći imate nepotrebne endoskopije postupaka . Vi ste očito svjesni dasadašnja stent nijeisti tip stenta koji je postao već ugrađen . Dok mi želimo osigurati da se to pravo , vjerojatno ste svjesni da nemamo veliki broj pacijenata s istim problemom kojeg ste imali i dok smo vrlo su iskusni u zapravo postavljanja stentova ,vrijeme promjena u tvojoj situaciji je nešto što mi se još uvijek uzimajući osjećaj za .
Mislim da svakako moramo ga promijeniti prije nego što odem na 29. svibnja [ zapravo 22. svibnja ] i ja ću to organizira . Pod pretpostavkom da se to radi , astent izlazi prilično jednostavno , a zatimrazuman kompromis bi se to promijeniti svaka 3 mjeseca , što je nešto rjeđe odtvrtke sugeriraju , ali češće na 4 mjeseca smo na početku razgovarali .
Nadam se da ovo ima smisla . I pokušati doći vam u za postupak n sljedeći tjedan ili dva .
S poštovanjem ,
Dr. Mark Fullard ,
Konzultant gastroenterolog