The Crisis


At the same time I am impressed that you got so much attention that you have developed a huge following of fans and foes alike.  – Pal Asija

This does not go to the heart of the crisis. Whether they exist or not, “huge following of fans” is beside the point, and does not affect the reality of the deep crisis.

Peer review blocks all publication by Catt. Nobody whose reputation was based wholly or partly on electromagnetic theory would make any comment whatsoever on “The Catt Question”, dated 1982. . It is an elementary question about a detail in classical electromagnetism, which is their subject. However, in the end after massive work I prevailed on four top administrators to select their top experts and instruct them to write to me. What they wrote is in my book. . Their names are Sir Michael Pepper (knighted for services to Physics, editor of the top Royal Society journal), McEwan, Mink, Professor Secker. They each wrote to me only once, and I did not reply. They totally contradicted each other, and then refused to do anything about their contradiction. At that point, it was clear that we had no “Classical Electromagnetism”. For a theoretical structure to exist, it has to be stated, and it is not stated. They did not reply to all the very short questions sent to them by third parties. For thirty years, no further accredited expert has made any written comment. . None of them dare comment, because cattq exposes a fatal flaw in their, classical, theory. If one of them supplies written comment, he will be marginalised by his peers.

There are now three Catt Questions, the first, , the second, , and now a third . No accredited expert has made any comment on the second, and this situation will continue. This also applies to the third. Each exposes fatal flaw in classical theory.

Now we have an experiment , Wakefield, whose results seem to undermine classical theory. No accredited expert in the world will make any comment whatsoever on it. .

The key point in my research came recently. Sir Michael Pepper was selected as a major expert, and instructed to write to me. . A decade or two later, Nobel Prize Winner Brian Josephson said that his colleague Pepper had decided that what he wrote to me in 1993 was wrong. Pepper has not written to me to agree or disagree with this. .

For science to survive, it is necessary for your neighbours to think that Pepper has a duty to write to me to say, either that what he wrote in 1993 is right, or that it is wrong. However, if you check with your neighbours, they will reply that Pepper has no duty. Your neighbours do not believe that with reputation comes responsibility. That is, the necessary ethical and procedural infrastructure in society for science to survive does not exist. Your neighbours believe that when Sir Michael Pepper was “knighted for services to physics”, he no longer had any responsibility to physics. All he needed to do was  to bathe in the glory.

This means that your neighbours support the ending of scientific advance. They also support its decline, because they are satisfied if the fundamentals at the core of “Modern Physics” are unknown.

No science journalist, no Professor in the Sociology of Science, will have anything to do with what I have written above.

This is the end.

At this moment, a Professor, Head of Department of a major university, is arranging for my co-author to give a series of lectures to his staff. He is putting his career at risk, and his staff will turn on him. It will be impossible for them to handle two conflicting electromagnetic theories, classical and Catt’s. If they did get to understand Catt theory and teach it, their students would turn against them. We have passed the point of no return. ;

Thirty years from now, the above denouement will be obvious to all. I research the current crisis in order to establish the situation in order to deliver the above insights to those who carry out the inquest on science thirty years from now, when I will be long dead.

a huge following of fans”, whether they exist, are merely the froth on the beer.

Ivor Catt   9 July 2013