5 July 2013
"Energy is travelling forward at the speed of light.
Therefore it knows nothing of what is ahead of it or behind it." Ivor
This notion is based on signal function. However no one takes this sentient energy
in any other than a metaphorical sense. Thus energy may travel faster than
light speed, but a signal function that is restricted arbitrarily to light
speed would be unable to register such a circumstance. Energy is not a signal
What is it, then?
You provide an answer elsewhere along the lines that it is a primitive concept
which by definition travels at light speed. This is your theoretical premise,
or at any rate the theoretical premise of Catt Theory of electromagnetism. [ Dr. David Walton ]
Your second premise is that space is that which retards the progress of Energy,
so that there is no instantaneous transmission of energy. This tardiness is the
foundation of the concept of time
Certain other properties or behaviours of energy are introduced, sufficient to
derive your formulaic expressions.
It therefore is clear that you say nothing at all about matter. You theorise
only with regard to space, energy and velocity. The concepts of matter are left
to be defined in terms of the interactions of these 3 primitives.
Introducing E x H as energy is therefore defining Energy. It is justifiable to
expect a definition to be based on primitive concepts. So you complicate your
primitive Energy by using some empirical primitive structure to define it .
The fact that it is empirical begs the question: have you included all the
empirical structural data, or only what " science"
has determined so far?
When you claim the Catt theory primitive energy is indeed a primitive, you do
not assert it is the only primitive, nor indeed the "source
primitive". Instead you assert it as a pragmatic primitive, a first
principle among a few other first principles,
whose relationships and interactions are necessary nd
sufficient to explain all electronic function and therefore design parameters..
Because of this rather sparse but clear viewpoint you feel able to apprehend
the function of all electronic devices, particularly the capacitor.
From your analysis of transmission line capacitance you discover crosstalk as
an inductive process, and finally you see that charge is a fiction, The dynamic structured energy accounts for all.
The Catt question is devised to provoke that kind of introspection that will
lead to this insight.
Where does the charge in the 0 volt rail come from? A trick
question, for the answer is there is no charge either in the top or bottom
rails. All there is is energy oscillating between the
rails at the speed of light.
Of course no one cared to come to this conclusion, andvsomyou
have been beating a lonely drum ever since.
The corollary of their being no charge is that so
called charged particles do not exist. Really it is a question of how does
matter structure with this oscillating energy concept. The natural conclusion
is matter is structured as little to large capacitors, but I do not see that
you have got that far. Rather I see you diverted to the social question of how
your colleagues are reacting to your provocative material.
Consequently you do not see the flaws or opportunities in your primitives.
It seems natural to consider TEM as telling us something about matter. In fact
no electromagnetic theory tells us anything about matter. EM theory deals with
an abstract quality called charge, whether electric or magnetic. We apply it to
matter to suit.
It is a fine distinction, but whether matter carries charge or is charge makes
all the difference in the cosmos.
Sam Gray
I attempt to construct matter out of TEM Waves. – Ivor Catt