
Riposte  - I make the commitment that anyone wishing to counter any assertion made on this site will be guaranteed a hyperlink to a website of their choosing at the point where the disputed assertion is made.



Many years ago I realised that all communication systems were monologue, with no right of reply. I realised that the hyperlink created the possibility of a new kind of communication based on dialogue.

Initially, there would be two classes of websites. One would continue with monologue. The other type would commit to dialogue ( R ) on its home page.

A dialogue website would guarantee that anyone could gain a hyperlink in a website with the single letter R . This would hyperlink to the would-be replyer’s website.

Only one or two people ever demanded a riposte to a website of mine. I then forgot about it.

This was before the advent of Wikipedia.

I note that most of my edits on Wikipedia are promptly removed.

I want your comment on, and then perhaps your support in, getting Wik to embody Riposte.

Another possible subset, of course, is C for “Confirm”. But that is less important than R .

Once reasonably established, the ground would be set for demanding that all government documents on the www allow R . This decision would be interesting for a political party’s website. I suggest that the public would develop the policy of only reading websites which had a home page statement that R was accepted. Public opinion would force R onto every website.

A www site accepting R would be free to have an R hyperlink to another page which had a list of R hyperlinks. Thus, multiple R s could not be used to deliver spam.

Ivor Catt   18 March 2013