x323 written long before I came across

 the two defamatory Italian articles.

http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x323.htm ; feb 2013

http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x54c.pdf ; dec 2012

http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x5as2.pdf ; nov 2013


Ethics in Science.

Ethics is part of the defence mechanism of an entrenched Establishment. Anything done in defence of an entrenched Science Establishment is by definition ethical. Anything attempted which threatens an entrenched Science Establishment (like pointing to a fundamental error in a published refereed journal, and thus a flaw in classical theory) is by definition unethical.”

In science, the repeatability of an experiment, producing the same result, is said to be important. Here I describe two cases when, following a complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the relevant professional organisation, unethical behaviour by a professor when defending the established paradigm was unanimously held to be ethical.

(Now) Professor Ching-Wen Hsue published an IEEE article saying that a charged capacitor could be regarded as two TEM Waves travelling in opposite directions. http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x885hsue.pdf He did not reference me. I wrote to him saying that I had previously published that a charged capacitor was two TEM Waves travelling in opposite directions. He never replied. Later I took my complaint of plagiarism to the Disciplinary Committee of the IEEE. Their decision was unanimously in favour of Ching-Wen Hsue.

In December 1978 Catt, Walton and Davidson published the seminal article "Displacement Current"  in Wireless World. In August 1979 Professor D A Bell published a childish article in Wireless World “No Radio without Displacement Current”, which rubbished our article. He later claimed he had not read our article, but the Editor Tom Ivall said it was obvious that he had read it. Years later in 1987 I asked Bell for permission to republish his article in my book , offering him royalty.  He refused permission. I took my complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the IEE, of which he was a Fellow. The committee unanimously found in favour of Bell.

Before asking to republish, I was giving a talk at a seminar in Bell’s university, Hull. At lunch time, my anonymous wife and I walked towards the cafeteria with Bell. My anonymous wife got into conversation with Bell, asking him about electromagnetic theory. He replied that he was no expert in electromagnetism. She said; “But you were Reader in Electromagnetism in Birmingham University.” He replied; “Well, the post came up.”

This is the kind of rubbish that does “Peer Review” when I attempt to publish on electromagnetic theory. I am almost 100% excluded from peer reviewed journals.

Ivor Catt  3 February 2013


From "The Catt Anomaly" ; “It is of course true that when brought to account, the IEE disciplinary committee, packed with sludge members, will also break those same rules, as it has done in the past, for instance when I reported Professor D A Bell to them. That will also have to be publicised in further editions of this book. The salvation of our civilisation will not be achieved easily, and the forces of darkness will fight a determined rearguard.”
