The tortuous journey from electric current to energy current.

Discussion of “The Fog Clears”

The 1967 paper and its aftermath gives us the opportunity to gain wide-ranging insight into scientific work and today’s lack of progress. In 1967 Catt was doing routine research towards the practical effect of educating our customers in what they needed to know and understand in order to successfully use our products, digital integrated circuits. He did experiments, and had results which confirmed classical (text book) electromagnetic theory involving electric current and charge and electric and magnetic fields. Conventional theory and mathematics agreed with experimental results.

Decades later, Catt made major theoretical breakthrough, including realising that the electric current involved in both his previous experiment and his (mainstream) theory did not after all exist. The false postulation of electric current etc. had led to experimental results and mathematical results which seemed to confirm false theory. We had created a fantasy land aided by Catt 1967 (opposed to Catt 2040) of electric charge and current and mathematics which was coherent but false (according to Catt’s views today 29.4.2040). However, the charade collapses when we address a request for clarification of classical theory, . This leads to contradictory replies by “experts” who then refuse to discuss their differences, so that classical theory does not in fact exist. For it to exist, all “experts” must sing from the same hymn sheet. With the disappearance of classical theory, we are left with “Theory d”, which does not have such inconsistencies.

“However, the charade collapses when we address a request for clarification of classical theory, .” (29.4.2040).

It’s worse than that. The facade (including Catt 1967) collapsed when confronted with “The First Catt Question”, “The Second Catt Question” and “The Third Catt Question”.

Second Catt Question and 1 + 2

Josephson's answer

Third Catt Question

"Anonymous" of the Clarendon and 1

History of "The Catt Question".


Then came experimental refutation of classical (text book) electromagnetism, with their stationary electric field. No professor whose reputation rests partly on electromagnetic theory will make any comment whatsoever on the Wakefield experiments, except for Professor Alex Yakovlev, who got one (W1) into the Royal Society Journal,  and correctly predicted the results of W3. Still, no other professor in the world will comment.


We have to conclude that Catt 1967, along with professors and text book writers throughout the world, suffered from “cognitive dissonance”. They are all “parrots”, knowing how to “correctly” answer exam questions, which got them where they are today.

Ivor Catt 30.4.2024