The Crunch

Dear Tony, I look forward to your comment. – IC

When a capacitor charged to +8v is shorted at both ends, it alternates between +8v and -8v. The problem is to explain this if the previously charged capacitor had a stationary +8v electric field.


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 Wakefield 3. Apply a short at the right hand end of a charged capacitor, and monitor the mid point.


Result predicted by Professaor Alex Yakovlev; , page 3

Result predicted by Catt;


Wakefield 4. Apply a short at both ends of a charged capacitor.

Mid point.

25% point.


Perhaps W4 is the definitive experiment. When the shorts are applied, the 4v (half) signal currently travelling to the right inverts and reflects. At the same instant, the 4v signal travelling to the left inverts and reflects. The inverted signals arrive back at the mid point at the same instant, leading to a full switch from +8v to -8v (at the mid point) and back to +8v.


Perhaps someone like Professor Tony Davies, FIEEE, FIET, ex IEEE Board of Directors etc., need only peruse W4.


A capacitor charged to +8v, when shorted, switches to -8v.

1.     Is this important?

2.     If he thinks it is important, will he say whether he is able to help to get it published by the IEEE or IET? Or will he say he is unable to do so? Obviously such information would not get past traditional peer review. It would do too much damage to the careers and reputations of peers.


Are our institutions out of control?

Ivor Catt 2.10.2018

Sent by letter to Professor Davies on 3.10.2018