More power to the Shrinks to combat coronamania


I told Herts Chief of Police that his men must refuse to enforce the recent emergency legislation, or later on the police will take the blame. The police will be left holding the baby.  He did not reply.

I read only one item in the recent emergency legislation, voted through parliament in a couple of days. That item reduced the number of psychiatrists who can section you from two to one. My wife, whom in the end I had to divorce (when it increased to false charges of child sexual abuse), kept inviting a mad psychiatrist called Bryan Robertson into my home. He worked in one of the local madhouses then encircling St Albans. One night at 2am he told me his boss said he was mad, but that the truth was his boss was mad. He was desperate to get me to take drugs, saying that if I did not, I would do violence to myself or someone else within six months. However he had no power, because he had met her socially  in the Quaker Meeting, not professionally. My wife told me she would divorce me unless I went to another psychiatrist, so I said I would do so if she came as well. We went to Dr. Asen (Robertson's choice), of Marlborough Clinic, who specialised in family madness. So we had the whole family in the clinic with a one way window. In the end Asen said there was nothing wrong with me. I told him that was no good, he would get fired. He said he expected that, but sometimes it helped. My wife continued to see him on her own for some time. Robertson then said Asen was not well enough qualified, and we should then try the very fashionable shrink Anthony Clare. . All this was going on because I was trying to do a one million pound deal with Sinclair for my patents, which my wife was trying to block. .  I agreed that we would go to Clare, but then played for time. 

When I went down to the Greenham Common women as their electromagnetism expert, they told me Robertson had come down to them and caused a lot of trouble.

Knowing how dangerous a single psychiatrist can be, I feel I do not need to read the whole of the emergency legislation before I warn the police they must repudiate it. It is long, and done far too quickly. It went thru Parliament in two days.


Emergency legislation includes;

3 (1) An application by an approved mental health professional under section 2 or 3 made during a period for which this paragraph has effect may be founded on a recommendation by a single registered medical practitioner (a “single recommendation”), if the professional considers that compliance with the requirement under that section for the recommendations of two practitioners is impractical or would involve undesirable delay.”


My latest thinking is that I shall add the following to