Monica, do I keep this secret?
Tony Davies thinks he is parodying Catt. He does not know he is parodying Heaviside’s “Theory H” of 1892.
A man who was on the board of directors of the IEEE, 500,000 members, ridicules Heaviside. .Heaviside had disappeared, but then was rediscovered (sanitised version) by the Royal Society in 2013. (As Alex hinted, “ many thanks to the two anonymous reviewers”, the “Full Monty” would not have got past Peer Review); “In his seminal Electrical papers, Oliver Heaviside stated ‘We reverse this …'”,
which means the water in your bath came upstairs guided by two
pipes, not inside the pipes. No wonder the Royal Society call him “eccentric”.
He also rocked the boat (nowhere
mentioned by the Royal Society, of course, anywhere in the Trans. A issue on their “rediscovering” the Bowdlerised Heaviside) ) when he said;
“By the way, is there such a thing as an
electric current? Not that it is intended to cast any doubt upon the existence
of a phenomenon so called; but is it a current – that is, something moving
through a wire – Oliver
Heaviside, “Electrical Papers”, vol. 1, page 434, 1892.” That was too
However, now The Royal Society has rediscovered (and Bowdelrised) him he remains an object of ridicule for the IEEE, 500,000 members, represented by Tony Davies.
He had been disappeared for 80 years.
One day in the future we will move forward from ridiculing Heaviside’s 1892 Theory H to ridiculing Theory D.
Monica, Do I keep this secret? I phoned Tony for the first time yesterday after a gap of two years. I talked for an hour. When I asked him how long I had talked, he did not know. Then he emailed "one hour".
I don't know what to do next. Stephen, Monica, Malcolm, Ned, Forrest, Alex, Wakefield, please advise. Please intervene if you think it a good idea. Don't check with me first. - Ivor
The Railon comes home to roost.
Has Tony read "The Railon"? Has he read it and forgotten it? See attachment for his card (his details).
The Railon. ;
Then 20 years later;
Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 17:19
Subject: Re: Break the line
To: Ivor Catt <>, John Raymond Dore
Cc: dana lowe <>
Perhaps this explains why, when I do plumbing jobs around the house, involving the soldering of copper pipes and joints, all seems well, but the next morning there is often water all over the floor where I was working. I used to assume that it was bad soldering and a small hole in the solder which I did not notice, causing the water under pressure to ooze out of the pipe. Now I realise that the water does not flow along inside the pipes from boiler to radiators - it is outside the pipe all the time, in an invisible water-field which travels along the outside of the pipe. The water which appears on the floor must therefore be the result of local disturbances in this invisible water-field caused by little bits of copper oxide mixed with the solder. Of course the lead in the solder will have permanently damaged my brain anyway, because I did not first carry out a risk assessment and decide that it would be safer for everyone to feel cold than be warmed up by this dangerous invisible water field being guided around the house from room to room by copper pipes..
Do you think one of the newer universities would be willing to put on an MSc course based on this novel theory about water flow?
Tony Davies
2020 June 14th
Prof Anthony C
Emeritus Professor, King's College London
IEEE R8 History Activities coordination
IEEE Industry Applications Society Distinguished Lecturer 2017-2018
e-mail: web:
On Sunday, 14 June 2020, 16:06:42 BST, John Raymond Dore <> wrote:
If there is no current in a transmission line as you suggest then a break in the wire of a transmission line from a battery to a lamp should have no effect. So insert a break and see if the light still glows. It will not.
So agree that theory D 'no current' is invalid.
A train can still pass but the railions
cannot but the light depends on your railions. [A train
depends on the rails. – Ivor Catt]
The 'poor' engineers you choose to mock are the engineers who produce tangible results which can be pre-computed.
It would be nice if when in employment you had accomplished any of the jobs for which you were paid.
You are one of those people who glories in all the reasons why a task should not succeed.
At least Ferranti Ltd did not increase your salary whereas my basic salary was nearly twice your salary.
Mon, 15 Jun, 19:10 (14 hours ago) |
I am glad that you like my explanation of my less than perfect skills with plumbing and central heating installations. Maybe my theory about the 'water field' will find its way into the text books of the future as an alternative explanation of experimental observations.
You may be interested to know that this is not my first or only
contribution to plumbing technology