
“The text books say the “solution” to this pair of equations is a sine wave! (In fact, almost anything is a solution to these equations.)” [e.g. - very simple]

At this stage, the whole subject starts to look sophisticated and profound. Really it is neither. …. ….” - Catt


P3. “By considering the simplest form of a travelling wave, one can easily find that

Ey=E0sin(kx-ωt) …. …. ” - Oppo  p186

“Maxwell’s equations compared with two thick short planks.

Let us review two of the many extant versions of Maxwell’s Equations for a vacuum …. …. ” – Catt


P4. “We now compare Equations (9) (Catt’s equations for a moving plank of wood) with Equations (3) …. …. Two lengths (Height and width) of a plank of wood ….” – Oppo