Faraday’s experiment.

Dear Harry,

I am hoping to start again, and say it went wrong right at the start, with the wrong interpretation of Faraday’s famous experiment. Note that none of my work ever mentions the permanent magnet, which does not appear in my speciality, digital electronics. There are no permanent magnets in computers.

I only consider the transformer. Faraday and everyone thought it demonstrated electromagnetic induction, closing the loop “changing E causes H and changing H causes E”. It did not. http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x29j.htm . He discovered crosstalk.


http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/x0742.pdf figure 36

The even mode sees much of the magnetic material in the middle, whereas the odd mode’s field is mostly in air between primary and secondary. So, the even mode travels slower.

It is complicated enough with a one turn transformer. With more turns, it gets more complicated.

This might be relevant; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_dividers_and_directional_couplers .

Note that my 1967 paper only had one active line and one passive line resulting in two modes, even and odd. It did not go on to investigate two signal lines with a passive line in between, with we don’t know how many modes 50 years later.

To be continued.





 Prof. A Howie <ah30@cam.ac.uk>
Mon, 29 Jun 2020, 11:23
Dear Ivor,
I could not possibly improve on this most recent message of yours as
an illustration of the justice of my description "absurd ego trip" to describe your activity!



 Prof. A Howie <ah30@cam.ac.uk>
Mon, 29 Jun 2020, 11:23
Dear Ivor,
I could not possibly improve on this most recent message of yours as
an illustration of the justice of my description "
absurd ego trip" to describe your activity!