Tom Ivall

Dear All (including Harry),

The key point is that Harry is convinced that classical (text book) electromagnetic theory is fatally flawed.

It would be of great help if Harry told this circulation that that is indeed his position today. He should realise that the "science establishment" (parrots) will then ignore both him and us. Their blindness will be encouraged if they find division between parties who all are convinced that classical theory (their theory) is fatally flawed.

Into this mix comes cattq and the Wakefield experiments. Both, question and experimental results, undermine classical theory. For Harry to misinterpret them as (failed) attempts to "explain" the new "theories" (a misnomer as Harry has pointed out) is ridiculous. The Catt tribe do not come along with new "theories", They offer far, far more. You can see this at


21 August 2023

This morning, at 5am, I began to read x18j1. It introduced me to a "foreign land", where massive digital systems under development (for the likes of the NHS) with an investment of the  equivalent for each one of £30,000,000 were being built and abandoned. Details are in my book "Computer Worship", published half a century ago. I noticed that "Wireless World", a monthly journal with a circulation of 50,000 built up by the non-graduate, Tom Ivall, was publishing two articles by two members of my three man team who were always in employment because the digital systems they designed actually worked. (The second, Davidson article, was later relegated to a letter.) You can read them both at the start of .

I made a cold call to the late Tom Ivall, telling him that we (society) were in transition from sine wave (radio) to digital and he would not have copy for his readers appropriate to digital, in which my three man team Catt Davidson Walton had expertise. He was publishing articles by two of us, but did not know we were a three man team with the expertise he needed.





gerund or present participlecold-calling

1.    make an unsolicited visit or phone call to (someone), in an attempt to sell goods or services.

"he has been cold-called a dozen times in the past two months"



Although he had never met me or published me, in a ten minute telephone interview he asked if he could come to see me next day.

I told my late wife, and that presaged the end of my marriage and family. Although I had published an international "best seller" "The Catt Concept", I was still under control. However, such a visit would presage then end of her psychological control of her family (I lived in a matriarchy). I got no sleep that night, before the crucial visit, when Ivall brought his wife with him. (That is why, much later, when the late Clive Sinclair asked to come to see me, I replied with an extraordinary request, asking him if I could spend the previous night in his home, not mine. ({He was in the process of divorcing. I would get some sleep before our initial, crucial meeting.})

Fortunately my wife did not disrupt the Ivall visit, and he then published us every month, ensuring the transition of their readers from analogue to digital. He published our articles or discussion of our articles monthly for many years, much more than ten years. More recently I learned that they were appreciated by Harry Ricker, an antenna designer, who himself was in transition.




Ivor Catt 20.8.2023

09:16 (55 minutes ago)

Description: Description:

Description: Description:

to HARRY,, Tanner, Malcolm, David, Anthony, Archie, Brian, michael.pepper, Christopher,, D, jon, bcc:, Anthony, mike, John, Jack, John, alex.yakovlev, Krystof, Demystifying, Lukas, Christopher, Libuse, Neville, Phil, Pierre-Marie, Bernard, Raeto, Steve, Ben, veritasium, Tony, Forrest, Renata, amberq99

Description: Description:

In order to qualify for a Nobel Prize, it is necessary to confirm that one is unsure about the relative phase of E and H - that one is still in the analog age, not the digital. See recent Nobellist Roger Penrose, in 1990 "The Emperor's new mind", p240;

"An oscillating magnetic field would give rise to an oscillating magnetic field (this was implied by Faraday's experimental findings) , and this oscillating electric field would, in turn, give rise to an oscillating magnetic field (by Maxwell's theoretical influence .... ....". Incredibly, like Maxwell, he draws them in phase later in his book. Will Howie comment? No chance. Josephson?

When head of the Cavendish, Howie said physical reality was composed of sine waves. Thus, his and their "physical reality" predates the digital age. They will however allow computer software entry into academia, and so enlarge society's (and academia's) bureaucracy, calling unscientific  BUREAUCRATIC software "computer science". Digital hardware is excluded from academia. Now that computers are physically tiny, they can still work, unlike the earlier big ones, which built with the wrong theory, failed. See my book "Computer Worship" However, still today, the USB cable is an abortion, of course.

Ivor Catt





You see how flimsy are the foundations of the house of cards called "Modern Physics".;

You demand a fully built, strong house as total replacement. You will attack attempts to gradually, rigorously build a replacement, brick by brick. Half built, you claim it should bring with it simple, clear explanation for people traumatised by the obvious nonsense hammered into their heads by HQPs after decades of parrot training..

Give us a break! It will take us decades to construct the correct, or at least better, replacement. You are attacking the bricklayers.

We are confronting all diverse parties; for example "Demyst", who want us to make sense of their decoration (which they think is clarification) of the house of cards, not knowing what I have called "demystify and destroy". Will they respond to my quote from 2020 Nobellist Penrose? I doubt it. I hereby ask them to respond to this circulation. Similarly Unzicker, who also is in nomansland., along with further multiple new Newtons.

Howie reads Jackson, who only has sine waves travelling down lossy (highly mathematical) transmission lines. When we design digital systems, the transmission lines are not lossy (easier theoretically). The maths is simple or non-existent. Digital systems are not mathematical.

Ivor Catt.  21.8.2023