2001 Conference


EM Theory

lll Eagle

2000 Conference

My old web site






An index, with a large listing on electromagnetic theory

Electronics World 2004

Galerie Mika

The Kernel Machine

Is Electricity in Trouble?

The End of Electric Charge and Electric Current as we know them

The End of Electric Charge and Electric Current as we know them

The End of Electric Charge and Electric Current as we know them ;

 Guide to Ivor Catt's Websites ; Questions for Classical Electrodynamics 2010 ; YouTube 2 3 ; Two hour lecture to NPA, 4 June 2011

How many more air disasters?

Air Traffic ControlIn July last year, problems with the existing European AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL system were highlighted by the tragic death of 71 people, including 50 school children. The processing of extensive radar and other aircraft input information for European air space is a very big challenge, requiring a reliable system to warn air traffic controllers of impending disaster. So why has Ivor Catt's computer solution for Air Traffic Control been ignored by the authorities for 13 years? Nigel Cook reports.

Electronics World, January 2003, p12

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