Tek 109 pulse generator



Tektronix 109 Reed Relay

Pulse Generator

Even More on the experiment

[John Dore, I cannot now get6 hold of the manual on the 109, which is at ftp://bama.sbc.edu/downloads/tek/109/tek%20109.v6.pdf
I used to be able to download it.]

[Key web page over the stuff below is http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/96511.htm and before that http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/965.htm ]

I won't add your last email below to http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/96511.htm unless you ask me to. http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/96511.htm is the historic record of the ideas that developed yesterday, culminating in the 100 ohm series resistor in the inner conductor, replacing your proposed (and my proposed) scope probes. You seem to think the 100 ohm was an addition. No. The original idea I came up with two months ago was not essentially to probe along the 40nsec coax. It was to do things along the 40nsec coax. Now we see that the most fruitful, easy thing to do is not to probe the 40nsec coax, but to introduce a series resistor. Then all we have to do is to probe the outside coax, beyond the reed relay, and observe the waveform. This waveform will start at 4v, then after a while fall to 2v. The time for 4v and the time for 2v will correlate with twice the time distance along segments of the 40nsec coax which have not been tampered with.

The idea of putting probes in the 40nsec coax rather than a series resistor is now downgraded to a more difficult subsidiary experiment.

I am very conscious of the historic significance of these developments, and that is why I am careful to record the developments over the last few hours.

Initially last night I made a mistake in detail over my prediction of the waveform. I corrected it half an hour later. I may still be mistaken, but I doubt it. Anyway, the main thrust of http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/96511.htm is surely correct. It is that energy current cannot get past the 100 ohm unless helped to do so by energy current ravelling in the opposite direction. If that latter is not present, then the voltage amplitude of the eastwards travelling energy current drops to half. The other half is dissipated in the 100 ohm resistor.

The half volt waveform is of course only one quarter of the poweer of the incident energy current. The formula is v2/Z.

I now think I need to add this email to the other one, because all discussion might help to clarify the present situation for the reader.

Ivor 9.20am 28july09.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Forrest Bishop" <forrestb@ix.netcom.com>
To: "ivor catt" <ivorcatt@electromagnetism.demon.co.uk>
Cc: "John Raymond Dore" <johnrdore@googlemail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:28 AM
Subject: Re: 109 and josephson

> Dear Ivor,
> I'm very happy you approve!
> Maybe the probe's gate itself should be moved away from the probe's junction with the primary coax. All that the primary TEM waves know about is that junction. http://www.ivorcatt.com/1_4.htm There are three TEM waves resulting from each initial TEM wave- injected, reflected and transmitted waves, instead of the 4 resultant waves of Fig. 14.. The reflected wave adds a complication, as it adds to the other (west or east) transmitted TEM wave. (west adds to east and vice versa). Another reason to make all the probe impedances different from each other.
> A high impedance probe coax lead connects into a 50 ohm primary coax. If the total experiment length is e.g. 100 ns, then make the probe's lead-coax longer than that, so the reflected wave from the gate of the probe cannot be injected back into the primary coax until after the interesting data has been recorded. Then the impedance of the probe itself becomes irrelevant, only its response time matters. The time delay to the gate has to be calculated, verified, and accounted for of course.
> If mixed-impedance coax connectors are not available it may be possible for me to fabricate them on my mini CNC mill, etc. I have several partial designs for these, designed to give a clean shift from one impedance to another with a minimum of ancillary "noise" waves This was done as part of a series of such experiments I'd like to run some day, preferably with you.
> Forrest
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: ivor catt <ivorcatt@electromagnetisn.demon.co.uk>
>>Sent: Jul 27, 2009 2:01 PM
>>To: Forrest Bishop <forrestb@ix.netcom.com>
>>Cc: John Raymond Dore <johnrdore@googlemail.com>
>>Subject: 109 and josephson
>>This (below) is completely new.
>>Because of the loading of a probe, I thought in terms of only probing at one
>>point at one time. Thus, I was blocked off from the ideas below by you.
>>If the energy current travelling in the wrong direction attenuates in its
>>travels, perhaps this will give evidence of its direction of travel. The
>>last half of the resulting 80 nsec pulse will attenuate twice, because it
>>passes the probe twice. The first half - the rightwards travelling energy
>>current will attenuate only once. My immediate reaction is to say that the
>>final 80nsec pulse should have small steps down, the first few steps down
>>being only half of the later steps down. However, the last few sentences
>>ignored the problem of initially charging to a steady unvarying voltage
>>along its length. However, I think we can still do that, before the relay
>>closes. Perhaps in this context we would consider only two probes, one half
>>way along and another at the start of the infinitely long coax cable.
>>I need to think more about this brilliant idea.
>>I think the charging source is via 1 megohm, but I have not checked to
>>brochure on the www, it is only my memory telling me that.
>>I have not bothered to calculate it, but found on two websites that
>>capacitance per foot is about 20pF. Thus, if the source is through 1 Mohm,
>>then the charging time constant is 20 microseconds. Now the time avilable
>>for each cycle, at 720 Hertz, is around 1 msec, sop there is a margin of a
>>factor of 50.
>>However, that does not deal with the loading of the inner conductor by
>>probes, potentially upsetting the charging through 1 Mohm. I need to know
>>what is the resistance (?impedance?) of the highest impedance scope probe.
>>John Dore mentioned FET probe, but they may not be fast.
>>Incidentally, I forgot that today's oscilloscopes record a waveform, which
>>it did not do when I was active. John Dore didn't understand my talk about
>>sampling and normal 'scopes, but did not realise I had forgotten that a
>>sampling scope will record a very slow waveform, so it will be fine. We
>>definitely use a sampling scope.
>>It is extraordinary that I have just discovered
>>http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/981.htm among my many papers. I did not find the
>>last bit, but what is now on http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/981.htm is the
>>crucial part.
>>This means that I drew Josephson into cattq in 1997, long before Nigel Cook
>>pulled him in around 2004
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Forrest Bishop" <forrestb@ix.netcom.com>
>>To: "ivor catt" <ivorcatt@electromagnetism.demon.co.uk>
>>Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 3:17 PM
>>Subject: Re: 109
>>> Dear Ivor
>>> As a refinement, or complication, of this experiment each probe along the
>>> line removes a portion of the energy from each (west and east) TEM wave,
>>> according to the relative impedances (cf Catt on how a voltmeter works).
>>> The initial experiment, analysis, and animations should ignore this of
>>> course. A later experiment could introduce a lower impedance probe at one
>>> or more of the test stations. The resulting attenuation of each of the TEM
>>> waves would then be seen at the next adjacent stations, to the west and to
>>> the east. In this way the lower impedance probe is setting a definite
>>> identification marker for both of the waves. Each of the probes could do
>>> the same, by making their input impedances all different from each other.
>>> Forrest




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