versus Rolling
Heaviside versus Rolling |
Ivor Catt 30 December 2008 Heaviside
versus Rolling "The
Catt Question" has exposed a fundamental weakness in the grasp of
electromagnetic theory by professors and text book writers. This was perhaps
not so serious before 1960, when electronics gravitated towards digital
electronics and the Transverse Electromagnetic Wave (TEM Wave) came to the
fore. This is because a signal from one logic gate to the next in high speed
logic has to be seen as not instantaneous, but travelling at the speed of
light, guided by the two conductors - signal line and 0v return line. The
word "return" illustrates the problem. The signal, or current, does
not "return", but travels at the speed of light in the dielectric
guided by the two conductors. The idea of "return" is fallacious.
All travels forwards. The transition from steady state fields and
slowly varying fields, such as those leading to Faraday's Law of Induction,
were not properly developed in the first instance towards the TEM Wave.
Manipulation of the four Maxwell Equations, as written by Heaviside,
resulting in the TEM Wave was faulty. The fact that since 1965, in the new
pre-eminence of high speed logic, it was no longer acceptable to accept the
idea of instantaneous action at a distance, for Instance Faraday's Law of
Induction v = d(phi)/dt ; that the voltage
developed round a loop equals the rate of change of magnetic flux through the
loop, was no longer true since in the new situation change of magnetic flux
through the far end of a loop was "elsewhere" to the point of
measurement, and could not affect it instantaneously, as Faraday's Law
wrongly implied. Buried beneath the confusion was the
"discovery" by Faraday that changing magnetic field caused electric
voltage and thence current. This "discovery" reinforced the "Rolling Wave"
version of the TEM Wave. In fact, we now see that magnetic field does not
cause electric field, and electric field does not cause magnetic field.
Rather, they are co-existent. Further, any apparently isolated electric
field, or any apparently isolated magnetic field, is really the sum of two
superposed electromagnetic fields, both containing both electric and magnetic
field (at right angles to each other) travelling in opposite directions at
the speed of light. Now two of Maxwell's Equations are; dE/dx = - dB/dt (1) and dH/dx = - dD/dt (2) These equations give mathematical
credibility to the idea that if one field is changing, on the right hand
side, it causes the other field. However, the equation which was never
published until 1985
is dE/dx = - (constant) x dE/dt (3) This equation presents the idea that
changing field E causes field E! In the previous two equations, use of two
symbols for E and two symbols for H conceals a constant, similar to the
constant in (3), making them structurally the same as (1) and (2). We have to
conclude that, to the extent that the changing electric field causes the
electric field, which is absurd, so the implications of (1) and (2), that
changing electric and magnetic fields cause each other, are equally absurd. In (1), 2) and (3), the relevant constants
are a combination of the permeability and permittivity of space. They are of
course the link between E and D, and B and H, explaining why (1) and (2)
appear to have no constants.