The Kernel Machine AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL: How many more air disasters? Nigel
Cook, Electronics World, January 2003, p12 See;
Background; New Scientist. The January 2003 article in Electronics World, , now in the shops, makes the link between Air Traffic Control and the Kernel Machine newsworthy. The start of the saga was my article in New Scientist, see
Sunday Times, 12 March 1989, page D14 INNOVATION Raising the roof on silicon capability The trillion instruction computer is here. JANE BIRD ....
Sunday Times, 25 August 2002, pages 1, 5 Air traffic control in UK worst in Europe Hi-tech shambles
Electronics World, January 2003, page 12 An alternative air traffic control system Air traffic control: How many more disasters? .... why has Ivor Catt's solution for Air Traffic Control been ignored by the authorities for 13 years?